Thursday, March 30, 2006

Quite a few amongst you have asked me to write about what happened yesterday in the Institute. Primarily because we are a little exasperated by it, a little saddened by it, and in tried and tested fashion, have chosen to laugh about it.
Humor, unfortunately, does not have an independent existence. It is what you choose to make of a situation. If what I'm saying is not clear, read Soumya's blog about the Toni Da Dhaba episode, and then read mine (available on this page itself).
We, in the Senior batch, are for the most part, pretty lucky, in that we choose to respond with laughter to almost all that happens around us. But every now and then comes along an occasion when we need to question ourselves about whether humor is the appropriate response, and the sad part is, as far as yesterday's episodes were concerned, it isn't.
For various reasons, all of which I will not enunciate here. Which is why there won't be a post about it.
But there is a select audience out there, one that has laughed together for all these many months, and will laugh over the next two months as well. Sometimes, as happened yesterday, without an immediately obvious reason.
But there is a deeper, more poignant reason. And that is the fact that we've had the time of our lives here. We've quarreled, gotten along afterwards, had our tiffs, organized programmes, gotten drunk, gone on drives, gone together for dinner, been completely stupid, and have grown the wiser for it. And at some level, we do not want to let that part of our life go sour. We treasure these moments, because we've lived life to the full here. And that's why we stand together, and laugh about it.
Not so much at anything, but for the purpose of laughing together. Which is why you don't really need to read my blog to laugh at what happened yesterday, because you wouldn't have been doing it anyway.
To all those among you who could identify even marginally with whats written above, Cheers. To those of you who couldn't, now what to do? I write for a secluded audience.

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