Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Reunion Time at Gokhale, Peoples!

Boys and Dear Girls,

There be a reunion of all things glorious in Gokhale, in August, 2007. One knows not if one may be there, since one may be off to Amreeka, but one encourages all other numbers to turn up in numbers to make up the numbers.
If there be any Gokhaleites reading this, rush and hurry and run and get yourself registered.
If there be any non-Gokhaleites reading this, rush and hurry and run and tell all the Gokhaleites you know.
Cheers, All.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Arre but.
Bhaat happened?
Welcome to Gokhale. Life at the hostel, with the myriad mysteries of the Insti thrown in as a bonus.