Friday, August 31, 2007

How else would a Gokhaleite end it?

To walk in again.
Under the arch, from the lane.

To enter my universe once more.
My college, from fabled folklore.

To revisit the katta of days gone by,
Sip at chipped, dirty glasses of chai.

To attend lectures ponderous,
And have fifty pairs of eyes slumberous.

To attack tomes incomprehensible,
And find every page resolutely unreadable.

To go through the wringer four times every semester,
And that's for each and every paper.

Assuming of course that you clear it at first go,
Or it's another run through the inferno!

...The very many lazy days at the hostel,
Where sloth is of a degree nonpareil.

To drink again huge tributes to Bacchus,
To render oneself blissfully unconscious.

To spend examination eves playing TT,
The joyful, effortless choice of pleasure over duty.

To tears of laughters and to tears,
To live through life's untrammeled fears.

To be once again in Gokhale...
Dream phinis, ab uth ja saale!
Welcome to Gokhale. Life at the hostel, with the myriad mysteries of the Insti thrown in as a bonus.