Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Three tuts in a week and a fourth one coming up tomorrow. I've memorized more stuff in the past week than I did in the last three semesters put together. I've uncharitable friends and acquaintances in Gokhale who're going to claim that the above is not ALL that noteworthy a feat, but we, dear reader of gentle sensibilities, shall ignore such snide comments for what they are. Bull.
Now to the more exciting part. Although the past week has been hell for the grey cells, they are about to recieve a bracing respite in a matter of days. I and a friend of mine from our Junior batch, called Chaman, are off to Goa, beginning Saturday, the 25th of Feb.
We shall be back when we have only Rs. 500 left with us, enabling us to ride back to Pune. Oh yeah, that too. We're going by bike.
No posting until a couple of days after we come back from heaven, and none after that as well if I decide to leave Gokhale and stay for good in Goa.
There aren't too many places in the world that qualify as being better than Gokhale, but I'd put Goa in that list.
Actually no. Expect a posting sometime in March.

Friday, February 10, 2006

This is simply to announce to the world at large that even after giving the Macro -II tut, I still have absolutely no clue about New Keynesian Economics. Socrates once said that he knew that he did not know, and that was most important of all, or words to that effect. I'm willing to bet he'd just stepped out of a Gokhale Tut.
All said and done though, it is fun sitting for papers that you have absolutely no clue about. The questions look vaguley familiar, as if you've seen them somewhere before, but for the life of you can't remember where. Half remembered formulae flit fleetingly through your mind, tantalisingly providing you glimpses of a pass grade, and then float away into eternal obscurity, leaving you with a Reynolds pen, its end chewed off.
You know what's coming next, don't you? That searing urge that refuses to be quelled, to take that pen and fill in a large diagonal streak of blue across the answer sheet, look up hopefully at Anjali Ma'am, who gives you an exasperated shrug, and then the nonchalant walk away from the scene of the carnage. Paper scratched.
Two more tuts to go, hope swings eternal in the human breast.
I must be off now, Apache beckons.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Well, tomorrow happens to be the day when Gokhale realises, once and for all, that I'm not too hot at Macroeconomics -II. There are a variety of reasons for my depressing ineptitude, ranging from "Studying is boring"... (All Pandurangis, please bear up with this, the other 99.99% of my readers are in vehemenent agreement.) to "What the F&*k is New Keynesian Economics, anyway?" The more alert among my perusers, please note, we shall be dealing with NKE in some tedious detail below.
So anyways, given a choice between studying for a subject that resolutely beats all ostriches at burynig its head in the sand and typing away for a blog that thus far, no one has read, well, I mean, come on!
Big news for the month, we had the Convo party last weekend. As usual, there were people who wondered about why a party was necessary, why the contributions were so huge, about why the moon looked green if looked at from certain angles, and other equally relevant stuff. But again, as usual, there were those who refused to sway, to buckle down, to give in so easily. And they came through again, as Gokhaleites so often have. Fifty people turned up for the party and consumed 12 bottles of liquor. The party lives on...
But that, for the nonce, isn't so very important. What is a matter of pressing urgency is a question that has bothering me all day.
What on EARTH is New Keynesian Economics?
Any student of economics, serious or otherwise (and the Gokhale I know is filled with the latter), knows that there were the Classical economists. Then came the Keynesians, then the Neoclassicals, then the Rational Expectations guys, then the Real Business Cycle Theory, then the Neo Keynesians. So who, oh pray tell who, are the New Keynesian Economists? And where were they until Smriti Ma'am decided to foist them upon us? And for the love of a God who must have abandoned Economists a long time back, what is the difference between the NeO Keynesians, and the NeW Keynesians? Sigh.
Oh, big story. A thief entered the hostel a couple of days back. Well, whether or not he was a theif is another story, since he never got around to actually flicking anything. This was due, in no small measure, to Choti, our Hostel Secretary, catching him and generally pinning him down until half the hostel and all the faculty quarters were up and about. Half the hostel because the other half was too drunk to care - but then that's a given on any day. The only good thing to come out of the whole imbroglio - the thief, who's since been taken to the nearby police station - managed to leave behind an old beat up Sunny in the hostel. Now, if it is his, he might as well give up on it... it's been used in ways that Bajaj's engineers simply could not have foreseen. And if he's stolen it, the owner is welcome to come and take it back. Give us a couple of days notice though - and a toolbox while you're at it.
Welcome to Gokhale. Life at the hostel, with the myriad mysteries of the Insti thrown in as a bonus.