Friday, February 10, 2006

This is simply to announce to the world at large that even after giving the Macro -II tut, I still have absolutely no clue about New Keynesian Economics. Socrates once said that he knew that he did not know, and that was most important of all, or words to that effect. I'm willing to bet he'd just stepped out of a Gokhale Tut.
All said and done though, it is fun sitting for papers that you have absolutely no clue about. The questions look vaguley familiar, as if you've seen them somewhere before, but for the life of you can't remember where. Half remembered formulae flit fleetingly through your mind, tantalisingly providing you glimpses of a pass grade, and then float away into eternal obscurity, leaving you with a Reynolds pen, its end chewed off.
You know what's coming next, don't you? That searing urge that refuses to be quelled, to take that pen and fill in a large diagonal streak of blue across the answer sheet, look up hopefully at Anjali Ma'am, who gives you an exasperated shrug, and then the nonchalant walk away from the scene of the carnage. Paper scratched.
Two more tuts to go, hope swings eternal in the human breast.
I must be off now, Apache beckons.

1 comment:

Sush said...

hey kulks ...brilliant write up man!!! my sentiments EXACTLY!!!! heartening to know there are people there who can empathise with me! :)

Welcome to Gokhale. Life at the hostel, with the myriad mysteries of the Insti thrown in as a bonus.